Cumbrae Community Development Company
Minutes of Board Meeting 21.11.23
Meeting started 1900
Present: Dave Williamson DW, Doug Laidlaw DL, David Stevenson DS, Dianne Smith DSm, Deborah Ferris DF, Scott Watson SW, Jan Wilkie JW, Thomas Stevenson TSLS
Apologies: Stephen Dobbin SD, Jensen Newton JN
Last Meeting’s Minutes
CDO report
Marina Project
Calcuth & Sangster Rebrand
West Lodge
Pit Stops
Last meeting’s minutes; DS proposed, DSm seconded.
CDO Report
Strategic Work and Data
* Cumbrae Energy Infrastructure and Renewables Study is ongoing. Initial review draft expected beginning of Dec.
* Land Use Land Use Change and Forestry review from Aquaterra continues. Meeting scheduled mid-december to review progress. Includes hi-res imagery review, rastering of island into grid squares and carbon capacity calculator tool.
* NatureScot recently conducted a visit to Millport Golf Club and met with David Patrick, head greenskeeper. Extremely positive, with several opportunities for future work identified.
* SCCAN are finalising their proposal for a pan-ayrshire climate hub.
* Continue to await updates on business skills gap analysis report from ScotGov.
Specific Projects
* Following successful Millport Bowling Club Project, we are engaging with several other community groups for similar measures. Survey work ongoing, however we expect at least a further 2 completed projects by March 2024
* NatureScot have proposed some long term monitoring plots within areas of forest around the Golf Course and potentially throughout the island
* Ongoing discussions with NAC Active Travel team regarding multiple active travel proposals they have, including a new active travel route between Millport and Cumbrae Slip.
* Met with Kathleen Dow of NAC recently along with Jan and Dianne to discuss Marina proposal within Millport Bay, enabled by Flood Defence works
* M-Four who are the project managers for the Area Based Scheme are expected to begin advertising the scheme mid-late December. No update as yet on the contractor appointed for works.
* New CNI website for lessons learnt and replicability across the country has been launched at
* Next in person CNI Project Meeting will take place on Cumbrae in January. Details TBC
Marina Project
JW updated the Board members on the meeting on the Marina project, held in the Glass Room on 7th November with Kathleen Dow, DSm representing CCDC in DW’s absence, SW in relation to the CNI Project and JW.
NAC are now looking at a 50-100 berth Marina for Cumbrae – likely though to be between 50-70 – initially, their reasoning being that a 50-berth marina has a marginal risk factor and is expected to only cover costs or have minimal profit however a greater number of berths will allow for increased profits.
Because of this, parties interested – be that CCDC, other marina operators such as Holt Leisure or other businesses on Cumbrae – will have to submit an Expression of Interest when the time comes.
Timescale wise, they are currently looking at an operator being in place mid 2025; within 2026 the jobs created, structure (pylons etc.) in situ; and are looking at opening for the spring of 2027.
Calcuth & Sangster Rename
For the Board’s information – C&S who act as our broker regarding premises insurance, etc., have integrated with Greenwod Insurance Consultants Ltd. and will be trading as Greenwood Moreland Insurance Brokers. However, everything else as far as our companies are concerned remains the same. We will still be dealing with the same staff and they will be based as they are now in the same offices in Glasgow.
West Lodge
The former Radio Station is now being rented on a monthly basis and Ptarmigan Solutions is remaining in the old CARS office space until Energise Therapies take on this space in the future. Both tenants have requested to upgrade the flooring in both spaces and JW has given them the go-ahead – as the Board approved the same for two other tenants with the proviso that if required of by the Board, it is returned to as it is now at the end of their lease/rental period.
JW has noted in the diary that there is a price review by the Board scheduled in relation to office space/units at both West Lodge & GH Courtyard prior to the new financial year.
Kay Starr
JW shared an e-mail regarding the ARIA funding application for the Board’s information. The closing date is 22nd December so there is unlikely to be any funding awarded until mid-January 2024 and it must all be spent by 31st March 2024.
Kay came into the office enquiring as to an update, and JW explained that she was awaiting feedback from the Board.
JW took the opportunity to ask her; if funding was awarded to her as part of her developing social media etc., on Cumbrae; did she feel that the GH Project was something she would wish to follow through its journey.
Her response was very enthusiastic, and she said it would be ideal to follow the project and take videos etc. and be part of public information sessions etc. As we must, as part of our funding award, provide info on social media platforms etc., JW thought that perhaps this is the ideal opportunity for someone to work on this with us, rather than us taking the additional workload ourselves.
Board voted to support Kay in this endeavour.
JW to take board decision (Yea) to Kay.
Community Larder
Site visit arranged was postponed due to ferry issues and rescheduled for 20.11.23. JW updated the Board. Following on from the visit, NAC felt the former archive unit was an ideal space. Initially it would be open twice a week – once during the working week and again over the weekend.
NAC plan to engage with the community in January regarding volunteers and take it from there. NAC may be able to find funding to support our electricity outgoings, which they will update CCDC on should the project go ahead.
DW thought it might be added opportunity to help the community, which surely was CCDC mission statement. Very much in favour.
DSm agrees. Yea
DL was happy to agree but raised concerns in relation to the manning of the facility through volunteers alone.
DS & DF seconded these comments.
Pit Stops
JW spoke with Calum Couston of NAC on Monday morning (20th November 2023) and he confirmed that CCDC will be required to provide updates when requested and submit a report once the works are complete.
Awaiting a date for the funds to be awarded and then the report from NAC re: discussions which took place between JW & Calum and from there we can see what is required to be purchased and what work can be offered, hopefully to local tradespersons, whilst keeping us within the budget available.
CCDC business ended 19.45.