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The Island of Great Cumbrae is Scotland's most accessible island and is situated in the Firth of Clyde just a few miles west of the town of Largs on the Ayrshire coast.

Isle of Cumbrae from Largs - copyright CP Kelly 2014

A view of the Island of Great Cumbrae from Largs. Also in this picture are the islands of Wee Cumbrae (to the left), Arran in the background and Bute to the right. The town of Millport lies hidden behind the hill to the left of the island in this picture.

At just 10.5 miles in circumference (by road) this small island has a remarkable variety of interesting locations, centres of interest, flora and fauna and geological anomalies to keep the visitor's interest.


It houses the smallest cathedral in the UK; Scotland's National Watersports Centre; a world famous marine research centre; the Guiness Book of Records 'House with the Smallest Frontage'; a hyperbaric chamber and many other surprising locations. It is home to over 400 varieties of bird life, some resident others migrant. Often known as the "Bicycle Island", there are around 1000 bicycles of all styles for hire from Millport town and the relatively flat terrain makes the circular route around the island ideal for all ages.


The town of Millport is located at the south end of the island and boasts a good variety of shops, restaurants, coffee stops and pubs, and the restored Garrison House in the centre of the town houses a well stocked library, medical centre and has its own cafe. In recent years it has proved an ideal venue for weddings. The island benefits from its own microclimate and is often bathed in sunshine while the rest of Scotland is under cloud.

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Millport prom - copyright CP Kelly

For more information on the Isle of Great Cumbrae visit the official tourism site at

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...working for and with the people of the Island of Great Cumbrae

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