Board minutes – 23rd March 2015
1/. Present – Stephen Dobbin, Stephen White, Christine McCulloch, Kelly Norton,
Graeme Schreiber, David Hepburn, David Stevenson and Michael Bertram.
2/. Apologies – Alan Hill, Fergus Boyle, Bob Campbell, June Allison.
3/. Agenda confirmed -
1. Present
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of last meeting
4. Matter arising
5. Financial report
6. CEO report
3/. Minutes of last meeting.
Proposed – Kelly Norton and seconded by Stephen Dobbin.
4. Matters arising
4.1 CEO advised the Chairperson that the Board needed to send out the annual
membership letters this week.
Resolution: It was agreed to ask Julia Haston to assist the
Chairperson to draw up and send out letters to all members.
5. Finances – Chairperson (Stephen Dobbin) produced monthly account sheets and
these were discussed and agreed upon.
Resolution: It was agreed to adopt the February 2015 financials.
6. CEO Report – CEO outlined to the new directors hat the Chairperson had
suggested that to ensure robust discussion that we only report quarterly on the
subsidiary companies, and that this month it would be MHAL.
6.1 - Community Pharmacy
CEO advised that Director Mrs. June Allison and the CEO had met again with NHS
(Ayrshire and Arran) to discuss how NHS wishes to proceed.
CEO added that the NHS advised that they have their own processes to determine
whether there is a “need” for new pharmacies. This process would take the form of
a questionnaire which would be made available for a total of 12 weeks online and
through the NHS database of clients on the island, at the medical center, and library,
and post office.
Discussion took place around the length of time the process would take in total.
CEO advised that after the questionnaire process then it would be discussed and
evaluated locally by NHS Pharmaceutical Board, and we could expect a decision
within the next 4 weeks. If however, there was an appeal, this must be registered
within 21 working days.
Further discussion took place around the appeal process.
CEO advised that after this point it would cease to be an issue for the Ayrshire and
Arran board, and then be handed over to the Scottish Pharmaceutical Board, who
had another three months in which to make a final decision.
CEO added that in reality, we would be looking at Easter 2016 before we could
effectively open a full operational community pharmacy.
Discussion took place around the business plan, and the profitability of such a
CEO advised that he had been extremely conservative in his estimates and that
Stephen White had asked several questions since the CEO sent out his business plan
for Directors inputs and comments.
Further discussion took place around the profits that could be optimally generated
and the non-perception retail sales that could be generated.
CEO advised that his research has shown that only 10% of total turnover could be
expected to be generated from ‘other goods and services’. He also added that 30%
was a general margin of gross profit from prescriptions.
SW advised that the level of profit that we could expect from NHS prescriptions was
low and he agreed with the CEO that we should be conservative in our cash-flow
Recommendation: that the CEO continue to engage with the NHS;
and report to the full Board at the next board meeting.
6.2 - Millport Holiday Apartments.
Stephen Dobbin advised that as the MHAL Chairperson, Mrs June Allison was absent,
that we could only briefly discuss MHAL activities.
CEO advised that all of the units have been revamped for Easter 2015, bookings are
looking very strong and we have many dozens of inquiries. CEO added that in the
website re-development was now complete; and he added that we were promoting
‘short-break’ packages on the website.
Discussion took place around the length of time the process took to secure bookings.
SW advised that his own business had experienced similar problems, and that he
only takes bookings during office hours; operates with weekly bookings only; and
that his tenants have to bring their own linen. He further added that they
predominately used credit cards for their bookings. He also added that they took a
£50-00 security/damages deposit.
Further discussion took place around the online booking system, and the MHAL
committee’s thinking around walk-ins. General consensus was that we should try to
sell on the website, and minimize the need to be reliant on walk-in inquiries etc
6.3 - Strategic Planning Workshop with North Ayrshire Council.
CEO advised that all Directors has been invited to the “Economic Development Day”
which intends to build on the strategic planning from the 2010 Jura Report; and to
focus on 4/5 key projects for the Island.
Discussion took place around the need for a well-constructed plan for the island.
CC advised that the workshop should be looking to bring specialist engineers
(experts) in to assess and plan for the next 50 years develop of this island based
around marine leisure activities.
Further discussion took place around CC idea and it was agreed that the following
would be the focus for our discussions with council:-
- We need to service the growing needs of both commercial and leisure marine
activities and experiences;
- We need to harness the Green Island initiatives – and build on the fitness
leisure aspects of island life;
- Business centers- attract commercial operators to the island to use our own
Centre and build on the call centre market need for the future.
- Garrison House – develop an “estates management plan” and create a Town
Centre (epic-centre) to use of existing and new buildings in the grounds.
Resolution: It was agreed to round-robin ideas prior to the
workshop with council on the 30th March 2015.
6.4 - CCDC Website
CEO advised that all Directors were now listed on the new site.
CEO further added the site is now available for inspection and/or comments are
most welcome before we go live. Link is at
6.5 - New berthing buoys for Millport sailing community
CEO advised that CCDC have now been offered 18 new moorings from North
Ayrshire Council (NAC).
CEO further added the Wallace Stone (consulting engineers) have conducted
bathymetric studies to determine best positioning for new moorings.
Discussion took place around the need for the old pier to be repaired.
CEO advised that he would try and find out what the current position was on the
repair and/or replacement of the pier according to North Ayrshire Council.
6.6 - Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS)
CEO advised that CCDC had been told that North Ayrshire Council (NAC) will only
inform CCDC on the 30/3/15 of the outcome of the full bid. At this stage NAC and
Historic Scotland have confirmed their joint commitment to the program.
6.7 - Festivals and Events
CEO advised that CCDC had not been directly approached or informed of any of the
2015 dates. He had been told by the outgoing Chair, Mrs Emma Newton; but had
not had anything in writing from any of the organisers.
CEO further added the GCHL has been approached to assist a new event for a
disabled charity called “Find your Feet” in developing an annual event for people
who have lost limbs. The event will take place within the Garrison and grounds on
the 31st of May 2015.
Discussion took place around the need for the organizers to get better coordination
and informed CCDC of their needs in advance; and not assume that these dates
would always be available.
CEO also stated that he has written to the Festival Committee regarding the use of
the ground and marquee for Country and Western weekend. To date we still await
their reply.
6.8 - Health and Safety
CEO stated that there were no issues to report.
6.9 - Meeting with the Initiative –
Discussion took place on how we could mutually work together with the ‘Initiative’.
Chairperson and the CEO were advised that he should ensure that we meet again
with them to finalise the MoU and find out what there plans were for the future, so
that we could be informed and coordinated before the “Economic Development
7. AOCB – Discussion took place around parking in the Garrison House and the
need for users to park in places that they could safely use.
Resolution: It was agreed that the CEO would write and inform
users to park in places that they could safely use.
Further discussion took place vehicles using the grounds for a short-cut and how we
planned to put a check on this type of activity.
CEO advised that we planned to install metal collapsible bollards.
Further discussion took place around the need to have them marked with florescent
tape, as we could get motorists using at night and not seeing the bollards.
Resolution: It was agreed that the CEO must ensure that
florescent tape is used in the installation.
8. DONM – 20th April 2015.